The South is where our stories began, and the writers of this land have carried our tales to the farthest reaches of the world. From the magic of Peter Pan, to the romantic battles of Rob Roy, right to the celebratory promises we sing to each other every New Year, you are part of our stories whether you know it or not. Let us take you on a literary journey across the South, and we’ll show you where they first came to life. 

We love a good yarn in the South, and you’ll discover an abundance of bookshops in our towns and villages – top of the list is Scotland’s National Book Town in Wigtown! Explore the Eildon Hills and visit the home of literary giant Sir Walter Scott near Melrose. Or head off on the John Buchan trail – a route between Peebles and Broughton celebrating the author’s association with the area. Explore the many sites around Dumfries celebrating Robert Burns who lived and worked in the town. The town also hosts the garden which inspired J.M.Barrie’s Neverland and today Moat Brae is fittingly Scotland’s National Centre for Children’s Books.