

Towns & Villages
Wanlockhead is a former lead mining village nestled in the Lowther Hills, close to the head of the Mennock Pass. It is Scotland's highest village.

About Wanlockhead

Wanlockhead is a former lead mining village nestled in the Lowther Hills, close to the head of the Mennock Pass. Part of the Southern Uplands, Wanlockhead is Scotland's highest village, sitting at an elevation of around 466 metres.

This elvation also makes the Leadhills and Wanlockhead Light Railway is Britain's highest adhesion railway. Closed since 1938, the railway was built to take refined lead to Scotland's central belt. However, today a length of gauge track has been re-opened between Wanlockhead and Leadhills and trips are available during the summer.

The Museum of Lead Mining in Wanlockhead is popular with visitors and tells the story of the local industry and even allows the chance to go down a former working mine. Also in the town is the Miners' Library, founded in the 18th century. It houses detailed records of mining operations and carries a fascinating photographic collection. There is also food available at the tearoom.

Wanlockhead walking, cycling and driving routes

Towns and villages near Wanlockhead