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Trimontium Museum

Museums & Exhibitions, Roman & Iron Age
Trimontium Museum explores one hundred years of Roman occupation through the stories told by some of the extraordinary finds from this key fort near Melrose.

About Trimontium Museum

Trimontium Roman fort site near Newstead lies just east of Melrose, the home of the NEW Trimontium Museum. Trimontium is of international importance as the largest Roman fort and settlement north of Hadrian’s Wall and the site of one of the largest concentrations of Roman military-related finds in the British Isles. The mystery of this great cache found in 117 pits and wells remains unexplained.

Our 5-star awarded museum in Melrose tells its story providing a modern window on the pivotal and turbulent history of this frontier post, which for much of its existence was the main forward base for the continued Roman invasion and occupation of Scotland.

Trimontium was a permanent garrison three times the size of the largest fort on Hadrian’s Wall and for a significant period was the most northerly bastion of the Roman Empire. A glimpse of its complex and often fraught history is revealed by the amazing archaeological finds from the site.
At Trimontium, the colourful story of everyday Roman Army life contrasts sharply with the grisly contents of the mysterious pits which baffle archaeologists and historians to this day.

The Museum’s collections include an array of Roman weapons and military equipment, treasures like intaglios and silver denarii, fragments of the fort itself, and native artefacts such as a beautifully decorated bronze armlet. Many of the objects on display come from the Trimontium fort site a short distance to the east of Melrose. Replica objects throughout the gallery can be touched.

The museum goes far beyond the usual offer of a gallery and shop. The ‘Trimontium Experience’ uses virtual reality to transport visitors to the fort of Trimontium as it once was through a 360-degree digital reconstruction of the Roman fort. Their ‘Hands on History’ sessions allow you to handle authentic Roman and native objects. They also run fieldwalking and metal detecting events with their volunteers, unearthing hundreds of ancient objects every year. Trimontium Museum also hosts expert-led talks, family-friendly activities, and outreach sessions with schools and community groups across the south of Scotland.

We are accredited Information partners of VisitScotland and can offer tailored advice to help you make the most of your visit. We are also the proud recipients of the National Inclusion in Tourism Thistle Award 2024 and the Best Visitor Attraction Award 2023 for the South of Scotland. It is not to be missed by anyone interested in Roman and Iron Age history, and its collections will no doubt inspire future adventures! Come in and have a chat for insider tips about the must see attractions in our local area.

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