Sarlfoot To Old Graitney

Low Level Walks
A 3.5km circular walk, passing through town, merse and farmland settings.
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About Sarlfoot To Old Graitney

A 3.5km circular walk, passing through town, merse and farmland settings. It takes approximately 1 hour to complete, with hard surfaces, beaten earth paths with and gates. It is off moderate difficulty and boots or wellies are recommended.

Parking is available from the main crossroads in Gretna by turning down Central Avenue past the shops. Pass the library, which is in part of the Richard Greenhow Centre and immediately after the first road to the left (Union Road) you reach the car park. If this is full there is another behind the Richard Greenhow Centre that has public toilets.

To start the walk, continue along Union Road and turn right down the side of the sports field. Pass between the bollards, turn left at the corner and along Loanworth Road. At the sharp left hand corner with Sarkfoot Road turn right. You will soon cross the route of the disused railway line; continue until you reach a metal stile just before the white farm gate. Climb the stile and turn right following the path alongside the hedge to reach another metal stile followed by a bridge over the burn. At this point you can choose the short option and turn right through the kissing gate and follow the hedged path along the burn to Crickmer Park. Continue to the top of the park and then on to Central Avenue.

For a longer and more interesting walk continue straight ahead skirting the line of gorse until you near the far end of the field. You are now on the site of the Battle of the Sark that took place on 23 October 1448. Three thousand of the Earl of Northumberland’s invading army were slain by the Scots who met them at the mouth of the River Sark. The Scots lost six hundred men and took many prisoners.

At the point where the hedge swings right towards the farmyard you need to aim for the kissing gate to the front of Port Stormont farmhouse. Turn right down the farm access road and on past Old Graitney. At the crossroads turn right and continue until you meet the foot of Central Avenue. Walk up Central Avenue to reach the car park.

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