
Towns & Villages
Kirkcolm is a small village situated on the northern tip of the Rhinns of Galloway peninsula.

About Kirkcolm

Kirkcolm is a small village situated on the northern tip of the Rhinns of Galloway peninsula. The village is bordered on the north and west by the sea, on the east by the bay of Loch Ryan and on the south by Leswalt parish.

The village was formerly known as Stewarton and was established in the early 17th century. The newer name of Kirkcolm is taken from a local church dedicated to St Columba. In the grounds of the church there is an intricately carved stone cross, dating from at least the 10th century. Kirkcolm was once an important centre of home-produced muslin embroidery.

There is a the hotel that is open to diners and a village store in the post office.

Kirkcolm walking, cycling and driving routes

Towns and villages near Kirkcolm