Castle O'er Hill Fort

Ancient, Roman & Iron Age, Ruins
This was the most spectacular of the Esk Valley forts. As you climb up to Castle O'er, you can see how well defended it must have been in its prime.

About Castle O'er Hill Fort

It takes some effort to reach Castle O'er, but the rewards include great views and the chance to investigate a very impressive site. You'll probably want to return to this and other sites on the Prehistoric Trail, as the light at different times of the day and in different seasons brings them out in various ways.

As you make your way up the well-defined path, over the stile with nearby interpretation board, you come first to the imposing outer earthworks. The path leads on up to the east entrance through a further, inner rampart. The whole could give the impression of a short, intensive, well-planned construction designed for protective purposes. In fact, the fort had a long life and was developed through several phases, which can be viewed best once you've reached the top of the hill.

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