Welcome to Scotland’s horse country. With more horses per person than anywhere else in the UK, it’s neigh surprise that the South of Scotland is the most popular horse-riding destination in the country.

Scotland has a connection to the horse that dates back as early as the 2nd century. From the first Brittonic tribes who cherished their horses as symbols of power and wealth, to the Reivers – the most skilled horsemen of the region who stood at the forefront of the Scottish army at Bannockburn. Some of our earliest paths were marked out by those on four legs. Today, the South of Scotland boasts over 350km of interconnected trails, off-road paths, and ride-friendly routes for you and your horse to explore.

Riding your horse through the Scottish countryside is a truly freeing experience. But as with any trip, unpredictable things can happen. That’s why it’s a good idea to plan your route ahead of time and prepare for any hurdles that may arise along the way.

Before you saddle up, take a look at our top tips for making the most of your ride through the South of Scotland.