The Castles and The Street

Equestrian Route

The Castles and The Street


This route is a hill route. It is essential that you carry and know how to use, an OS map and compass.

Please ensure you are suitably clad for this type of terrain.

There is a wide grassy verge that you can park on with care, be careful if the ground is wet. This is just beyond the cattle grid after passing Belford on Bowmont and the telephone box on your right.

Best ridden between May and October when estate and farm activities such as lambing, shooting and timber felling are minimal. A lot of the routes are across working land – please respect the countryside code - Know the code before you go.

Our best efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of data, however the data and geographic information contained along route lines and on maps should be used for informational purposes only.

What you'll see

The Castles and The Street Waypoint One

Turn off the tarmac road at the finger post, follow this farm track as it becomes a well-defined grass track, through several gates for 2.4km

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Two

Continue on this track for another 1km

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Three

You will go through a gate and over a stream around the back of the cottage ruin to carry on up over the hill on…

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Four

At the fingerpost you are turning left to The Street, on your right you will be able to define the Hownam rings an ancient fort…

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Five

Going through the gate you will now have the fence on your right, carry on through 2 gates

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Six

Turn left just before the gully, you will see a gate ahead of you - thats the border!

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Seven

There is a new fence here and no gate for the cattle grid but you can get through the gate at the top of the…

The Castles and The Street Waypoint Eight

Pass the farm buildings and you are taking the left hand track back to the main road and the start.