Tushielaw Inn

Once a toll house for Drovers

About Tushielaw Inn

Stop at Tushielaw Inn and have a short climb to the ruined Tower of Tushielaw, once the home of Adam Scott the King of Thieves, another noted reiver who was reputedly hanged there on his own hanging tree. It is said that he was overcome, subjected to ‘Jedhart Justice’ and hung there and then.

Further along the road, far away to the left is a mound which was 'the Fair Dodhead' once the residence of the Telfer family.

‘It fell about the Martinmas tyde
When our Border steeds get corn and hay
The Captain of Bewcastle hath bound him to ryde
And he's ower to Tividale to drive a prey'
Trad from Jamie Telfer of the Fair Dodhead

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