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Dumfries Academy

Buildings, Historic Buildings, Monuments & Statues
Dumfries Academy is a secondary school for both girls and boys, in Dumfries that dates back to the 14th century. The Latin moto is "doctrina promovet".

About Dumfries Academy

Dumfries Academy is a state funded secondary school for both girls and boys, in Dumfries that dates back to the 14th century. The schools Latin moto is "doctrina promovet", meaning "learning promotes".

The school dates back to the 14th century, with early records showing that the monk John of Greyfriars, was appointed rector of a new school in Dumfries in 1330. It has existed in its present form since 1804.There are two notable buildings; the Minerva Building, designed in 1895 by F J C Carruthers and a later building by County Architect John R Hill, designed in 1936

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