

Towns & Villages
The small village of Ancrum lies 5km west of the larger town of Jedburgh. It sits close to the Ale Water which joins The River Teviot.

About Ancrum

The small village of Ancrum lies 5km west of the larger town of Jedburgh. It sits close to the Ale Water which joins The River Teviot. This is where the villages name derives from as Ale Water is believed to be named from ‘crooked land of the Ale’. There is roughly around 300 residents in the village.

The Battle of Ancrum Moor took place in 1545 in a sight just North of village during the the War of the Rough Wooing in 1545. The Scottish victory put a temporary end to English depredations in the Scottish border and lowlands.

Ancrum walking, cycling and driving routes


Towns and villages near Ancrum